does your team need some motivation? The Sheepdog Mentality
Do you know what the Sheepdog Mentality is? Its the mentality of a good Law Enforcement officer. As an FTO for over 15 years, I trained our recruits the Sheep dog Mentality.
A good sheep dog stays with his flock day and night
While the Farmer is sleeping you can be rest assured that his trusty Sheepdog is out with his flock. keeping them from all the dangers the night brings.
The sheep dog doesnt care what the sheep think of him.
He doesnt care what the Sheep think of him. The Sheep can hate him all they want, but he is to perservere in his duty to protect, regardless of their feelings towards him.
The Sheepdog knows what evils lurks in the night.
Only the Sheepdog knows what the Wolf, Coyotes and Mountain lions want to do to the Sheep, and he knows he is the only thing that stands between them. He cant take a day off, he doesnt know what Saturdays and Sundays are. He only knows that he must protect the sheep.
does your team need some motivation?
As an FTO and team leader on my shift, I know how to motivate the troops. Call me and tell me what kind of team you have and what issues your are having. I can put togther a comprehensive speech to get your troops right.